Saturday 1 November 2014

Sunday 24 August 2014

France - Quality Label

Hi Poland !
Our project received the French Quality Label too !
Congratulations again to our pupils !

Monday 23 June 2014

Poland-Quality Label

Dear partners!
Today Polish team has been awarded with the Pupil Quality Label and the Quality Label for the work we have done in eTwinning. We are very happy  and very grateful to you for this common project:)


Saturday 14 June 2014


Dear friends!
Thanks for the common work! It was a very exciting journey for us!
Have nice summer holidays!

Our project is finished

Hello Poland,

Our project is finished now.

It was a pleasure to share this adventure with you !

Many thanks for all !

Have nice summer holidays !

Tuesday 10 June 2014

France - The Polish parcel arrived today !

Hello Poland,
Your parcel arrived today morning.
French winners were given their prizes and diplomas, and they were very happy !
Many thanks for all !
We organized a little party to celebrate the winners and also the end of our project.
Bye bye !
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Sunday 8 June 2014

Wednesday 4 June 2014

France - Creation of WORD CLOUDS about our project

Yesterday, French pupils worked online using an application called "Wordle".
They created some word clouds about our project.
Here are some examples of their works :

By Cannelle :

By Léane : 

By Léna :
By Valentine :

By César : 

 By Hamza :

 By Léa :

By Loann :

By Louis : 

By Manon : 

By Valentino :

Bye !

Monday 2 June 2014

Diplomas and prizes from Draguignan are in Wrocław

Polish winners of our contest received diplomas and prizes from Draguignan. They are very happy:) Thanks a lot!

Sunday 1 June 2014

Poland- some cubes in the style of Vasarely

Polish pupils liked your works- creating some cubes in the style of Vasarely and they also used link  to make some pictures. Here are their works:

Monday 26 May 2014

Poland- diplomas and prizes for French winners

Hi partners!
We've sent diplomas and some prizes for French winners of drawing contest on Saturday. Congratulations!

Poland - our votes for French drawings

Hi France!
Here are the Drawing contest results from Polish pupils:

1st prize: drawing no 16 (26 pts)

2nd prize: drawing no 8 (22 pts)

3rd prize: drawing no 11 (14 pts)

Congratulations to pupils

Best regards from Wrocław

Wednesday 21 May 2014

France - Prizes are ready to be sent to Poland !

Hello Poland,
Prizes and diplomas for the Polish winners of our drawing contest will be sent tomorrow or next friday.
We hope you will receive them very soon !
Congratulations again !

Tuesday 20 May 2014

France - Pupils voted today !!!

Hello Poland,

Today French pupils voted.
 Here are the winners for the drawing contest in Poland:

n°1 : drawing n° 10 (42 points)

n°2 : drawing n° 11 (15 points)

n°3 ex aequo : drawings n° 6 & drawing n° 16 (13 points) 

Who is hiding behind the numbers???


Saturday 10 May 2014

France - Bonus activity (The cubes in the style of Vasarely)

Hello Poland,
We came back to school last monday.
On Tuesday, pupils brought back their drawings for the contest.
I will upload a presentation of all drawings next week.

They worked on a bonus activity on the computers, creating some cubes in the style of Vasarely, thanks to this link:

Here are their works:

Bye bye !

Friday 9 May 2014

Poland - creating drawings

After Easter holidays Polish pupils was creating their drawings. Most pupils prefered computer work:

Saturday 19 April 2014

France - Easter holidays

French pupils are on holiday until the 5th of May.
Bye bye !

Tuesday 15 April 2014

France - Our chat session

Here are some pictures taken during our chat session today.
That was a great experience for pupils to write to their penfriends in live ... eating polish chocolate and sweets!
A very nice adventure to realize again !

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France - Polish cards and presents for pupils

Today French pupils received personally the cards and presents from their Polish penfriends.
They were very happy!
Many thanks dear partners !

Poland-chat with friends from Draguignan

Today our teams chated using TwinSpace. For Polish pupils it was wonderful adventure! They could talk about their interests, families, animals and countries with penfriends. They also talked about their favourite Abstract artists. Some of Polish pupils made  appointments with penfriends another day. Pupils love this meeting! Thank you dear partners!

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Friday 11 April 2014

Poland-we received parcel from Draguignan

Polish pupils received parcel from our eTwinning friends from Draguignan. We got some gifts and Easter cards:

We received also postcards from the Vasarely Foundation:

Many thanks to our eTwinning friends:)

Poland- next classes with Geogebra

On Wednesday, the 9th of April, Polish pupils were doing some constructions of regular polygons using Geogebra:

Saturday 5 April 2014

France - We sent our parcel too !

We sent our parcel containing our Easter cards and gifts, and also postcards from the Vasarely Foundation.
We hope you will receive it very soon !

France - The Polish parcel arrived !

Yesterday, we received the parcel coming from Poland !
We will open it on Tuesday 15th.
I'm sure pupils will be very happy to discover what it contains !
Many thanks by advance !

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Poland - First class about Geogebra

Today Polish student got to know a new tool: Geogebra. They never used it before, so that was their first steps with this program.

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France - Our trip to the Vasarely foundation (part 3 : souvenirs for our etwinning friends)

Then we visited the Foundation's shop, and each pupil chose a postcard for her/his penfriend.

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France - Our field trip to the Vasarely Foundation (part 2 : the workshop)

They also took part in a workshop, and they made a creation in the spirit of the Kepler cubes by Vasarely.

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